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Driver should be of minimum age of 22 years old.
Drivers must have a valid license held for at least one year.
International Driving License is required by Greek Law for all renters that are not citizens of the European Community or who do not have a European Drivers permission. Driving License in characters not readable in English or Greek must be accompanied by an International Driving License.

Driving drunk, driving under influence of drugs or on unauthorized roads, non-asphalt roads, driving to prohibited areas/countries, obvious acts of disregards to the vehicle, the renter will be responsible for the full amount of charges.

All rentals can be paid with cash or credit or debit cards upon arrival.. Credit/debit cards accepted: Mastercard, Visa, Electron Visa, Maestro 

Your rental includes:

  1. Unlimited kilometers
  2. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) (Coverage with your participation in the event of an accident at €600 + 24% VAT)
  3. Complete exemption from vehicle theft
  4. Liability insurance
  5. Local VAT tax
  6. Second Driver is free
  7. Fire insurance